Special occasions
- KKT 30th Anniversary
- 100th Anniversary of the Forester's Day
- "Cooking Fever" Guinness World Record for Burger Assembling
- Business gifts for all occasions
- PWC 30th Anniversary
- Greeting Ignitis employees in a new office
- 30th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Business Confederation
- Opening of the "Golden Fields" Factory in Liepaja
- LRT radio 95th anniversary celebration “We are Radio”
- LTG building visualization on February the 16th
- LTG rebranding
- A record Econovus greeting
- On February the 16th – a flag on Lyduvėnai bridge
- Opening of Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) Kaunas tunnel to public
- Opening of Klaipėda terminal group office in Kaunas
- Presentation of new spaces Live Square, EIKA
- Lithuanian presentation at EXPO 2017 in Astana, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania